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5/11/2020 — Employer-based COVID-19 Testing-Training-Tracking available! Connect with our team by phone to meet your needs now.
Step 1:
Describe Your Needs
Step 2:
Secure Inventory
Step 3:
Get What You Need!

Caresaver Network is a procurement service

We do not warehouse inventory, and our suppliers rarely have PPE looking for buyers—because under this pandemic there is no idle inventory.

Instead we search for what our clients request to bring it to market and get them access before it gets gobbled up—all on a non-binding, no-cost-to-buyer basis.

When a lot becomes available, the buyer is given the opportunity to acquire it at the terms provided. Lots presented are typically accompanied by a trusted third-party certification of “inspection and testing”.

Contact us to today and tell us what you need!

NOTE: Our product request system currently contains two kinds of items: single-source and multi-source.
Single-source listings describe a specific manufacturer’s items.
Multi-source listings describe an industry standard specification—not a specific item.
We are continually updating our product request system. If you do not see the item or specification you need, contact a team member to discuss its availability.
This website is for product presentation purposes only — all orders must by placed by phone.
Contact us online to initiate discussions.